$18 Billion Of Yearly Revenue Lost Due To Slow Online Store Shopping Carts Being Abandoned

In the world of online shopping, where virtual shelves hold countless treasures, there’s a big puzzle that store owners and experts are trying to solve: Why do people leave their shopping carts behind without buying anything? This happens so much that each year, stores lose a massive $18 billion because of it. In this article, we’ll explore why this happens, how it affects businesses, and what stores can do to fix it.

The Puzzle: Why Do People Leave Without Buying?

Imagine you’re shopping online and you put things you want into your cart. But then, instead of buying them, you leave the store. That’s what happens to a lot of people, and it’s called “cart abandonment.” Studies show that around 7 out of 10 people who start shopping online end up leaving their carts behind. This means for every 10 people who start shopping, only 3 actually buy something.

Why Do People Leave?

There are a few reasons why this happens:

  1. Unexpected Costs: Sometimes, when you’re about to pay, you see extra charges you didn’t know about. This can make you change your mind and leave.
  2. Hard to Buy: If buying things takes too many steps or is confusing, people might give up and leave.
  3. Finding Better Deals: People like to compare prices on different websites. If they find a better deal somewhere else, they might leave their cart behind.
  4. Feeling Unsafe: Some folks worry about their payment information being safe online. If they’re not sure, they might leave.
  5. Getting Distracted: Life can be busy. If something else grabs your attention, you might forget about your cart and leave.

How This Hurts Online Businesses

When people leave their carts, it’s not just about losing money. It also makes businesses look less trustworthy. It’s like saying, “I like your store, but I’m not sure if I should buy from you.” This can make people think twice about coming back to that store.

What Can Online Stores Do?

Here are some ways stores can try to fix this problem:

  1. Easier Checkout: Make it simpler to buy things. Fewer steps and quick checkouts can help.
  2. Tell the Full Price: Show all the costs upfront so there are no surprises later.
  3. Remind People: Send emails or ads to remind people about the things they left behind.
  4. Give Discounts: Offer special deals to people who almost bought something but didn’t.
  5. Make the Website Fast: When the website loads quickly, people are more likely to stay and buy things.
  6. Show They’re Trustworthy: Display symbols and reviews that show the store is safe and reliable.


Leaving behind shopping carts online might seem like a small thing, but it’s a big deal for businesses. They lose a lot of money—$18 billion every year! By understanding why people leave and by making the online shopping experience better, stores can keep more people interested and turn them into happy customers. This way, both online shoppers and online stores can be winners.

$18 Billion Of Yearly Revenue Lost Due To Slow Online Store Shopping Carts Being Abandoned.

Lightning Site Speed. Online Shopping Carts

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