79% Of Online Shoppers Will Avoid An Online Retailer Where They Have Experienced Performance Issues

Online shoppers want things to go smoothly. Imagine clicking on a website and waiting for it to load, but it takes forever. Or maybe the website suddenly stops working and crashes. These things can make online shoppers frustrated and annoyed. Did you know that a lot of online shoppers – 79% to be exact – won’t shop again from a website if they’ve had problems like these? This article explains why this happens and what it means for online stores.

Why Fast and Reliable Websites Matter to Online Shoppers

Think about it: when we go to a store in person, we want things to be easy. We don’t want to wait in long lines or deal with broken shopping carts. It’s the same when we shop online. We expect websites to work quickly and without any problems. But sometimes, this doesn’t happen.

This is a big problem for online stores. They have to make sure their websites work really well, or else people will go somewhere else to shop. It’s like a race – if one store is too slow, customers will leave and go to a faster store.

Bad Things That Happen When Websites Don’t Work Well

  1. Slow Websites: Just like waiting in a slow line, waiting for a website to load is frustrating. If a website takes too long, many people will leave and not buy anything.
  2. Crashes: Imagine if a store’s doors suddenly closed while you were shopping. That’s what happens when a website crashes. It’s like the store is closed, and you can’t buy anything.
  3. Not Working on Phones: Many of us use our phones to shop. But if a website doesn’t work properly on phones, it’s like the store doesn’t want us to come in. We might go to a different store that’s easier to use on our phones.
  4. Trouble with Paying: When we buy things online, we have to put in our payment information. If there’s a problem with this, like if the website doesn’t keep our information safe, we won’t trust the store and might not buy anything.

Why Trust is So Important for Online Shoppers

When we shop, we need to trust the store. We trust that they’ll give us good products and keep our payment information safe. But if a store’s website doesn’t work well, it’s hard to trust them. It’s like if a friend keeps promising to do something but never does – we stop believing them.

How Stores Can Get Better

If a store had problems before, they can still fix things. They need to admit that they had problems, tell people they’re making things better, and actually show that they’re improving. They should listen to what online shoppers say and use that to make things work better.


When we shop online, we want things to be easy and work well. If a store’s website is slow or doesn’t work, we won’t go back there to shop. That’s why stores need to make sure their websites are fast and reliable. It’s like in a race – the store that works the best gets the most customers. So, the next time you shop online, remember how important it is for the website to work well, just like a real store.

Lightning Site Speed. Online Shoppers

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