Of All The People Surveyed, Half Said They’d Be Willing To Give Up Animation And Video For Faster Load Times

When you visit a website, you want the content including video and animation to load quickly so you can see what you’re looking for without waiting too long. A lot of people feel the same way and are even willing to give up some features, like animation and video, if it means the website will have faster load times. That’s how important website speed is to users.

Slow loading times can be a problem because people might get impatient and leave the website before it finishes loading the animation or video. Studies show that even just a one-second delay in page load times can cause a 7% drop in people buying something or taking some kind of action on the website. That’s why it’s important for websites to be fast and easy to use.

Website speed also affects how well a website shows up in search results on Google. Google cares more about website speed than animation and video, and uses load times as one way to decide which websites to show first when people search for something. Websites that load quickly are more likely to be seen by people and get more visitors.

There are some things that can be done to make websites load faster. One way is to make sure the animation, video and images are not too big. Big files take increase the load times, so they should be made smaller. Another way is to use fewer third-party plugins and scripts, which can slow down a website. Using a content delivery network (CDN) can also help speed up a website by storing the website content including animation and video in different locations around the world.

Overall, website speed is very important for people who use websites. By making sure websites load quickly by optimizing or even removing animation and video, businesses can keep people interested and increase the chances of them taking action, like buying something or sharing the website with others.

lightning site speed, animation and video load times

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