Prefetching Performed By Facebook Improves A Website’s Load Time By As Much As 25%

When we browse the internet, how fast a website loads matters a lot. Waiting for a site to show up can be boring and sometimes we might even leave the page. But Facebook has come up with a cool way to make websites load faster. It’s called prefetching, and it could make websites load up to 25% quicker. This article will explain how prefetching works, why it’s important, and how Facebook’s idea is making browsing the web better.

What is Prefetching?

Imagine you’re getting ready to watch a video. Before you hit the play button, the video starts loading a bit in advance so that you don’t have to wait when you press play. That’s a bit like what prefetching does for websites. Instead of waiting for each part of a website to load one after the other, prefetching makes the parts load ahead of time, so when you want to see them, they’re already there. Facebook’s prefetching is super smart – it looks at how people use the site and guesses what they’ll do next. Then, it gets things ready so that everything is speedy.

Why Loading Time Matters

Think about going to a store. If you have to wait a long time in line just to get inside, you might decide to leave and go somewhere else. The same thing happens online. If a website takes forever to show up, we might close it and find a different one. That’s why loading time is so important. Facebook’s prefetching makes websites load faster, which makes us happier because we don’t have to wait.

How Facebook’s Idea Helps

  1. Websites Feel Quicker: Prefetching makes websites feel like they’re in a hurry. When we click on something, it’s ready to show up almost immediately, so we don’t get bored waiting.
  2. Less Waiting, More Exploring: Ever clicked on a link and then had to wait for a long time for the new page to open? With prefetching, that waiting time becomes really short, so we can explore more stuff without waiting around.
  3. Cool Buttons and Pictures Load Faster: Sometimes websites have cool buttons, pictures, or videos we want to see. Prefetching makes sure these things show up super quickly so we can enjoy them without any delay.
  4. Saving Internet Energy: Prefetching isn’t wasteful. It doesn’t use more internet than it needs to. It’s like ordering just the right amount of pizza instead of too much.


Making websites load faster is like making a delicious pizza arrive at your door quickly. Facebook’s smart idea of prefetching is like the delivery person knowing what pizza you want before you even order it. By getting things ready before we ask for them, websites become speedier and more fun to use. This clever trick is changing how we experience the internet, making it faster and more enjoyable for everyone.

Lightning Site Speed. Prefetching Load Time

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