Lightning Site Speed - Post Archive

Welcome to our post archive! Here, you can browse through our previous posts and find the information you need. Our archive is a comprehensive collection of topics we've covering site speed. Whether you're looking for advice, tips, or inspiration, our archive has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and explore our past posts to discover new ideas and insights.

Lightning Site Speed. Shoppers

64% Of Shoppers Who Have Trouble With Site Performance Would Simply Purchase From A Different Online Store.

When you go to a website to buy something, do you get frustrated when it takes a long time to load or doesn’t work well? You’re not alone! In fact, 64% of shoppers will just go to a different website if they have trouble with a site’s performance. This is a big problem for businesses…

Lightning site speed. Website conversion rates

Website Conversion Rates Drop By An Average Of 2.11% With Each Additional Second Of Load Time

When a website takes too long to load, people may leave and go to a different website. This is because people don’t like waiting for websites to load. In fact, each additional second a website takes to load can cause a 2.11% drop in the number of people who decide to buy or sign up…

Lightning site speed. Ecommerce Conversion Rates

The Highest Ecommerce Conversion Rates Occur On Pages With Load Times Between 0-2 Seconds

Ecommerce Conversion Rates. Website speed is crucial for ecommerce and online stores to make sales. The faster the website, the more likely people are to buy things. A slow website can be frustrating for customers and can make them leave the ecommerce website without buying anything. This means the ecommerce store could lose a lot…

Lightning site speed, website conversion rates

Website Conversion Rates Drop By An Average Of 4.42% With Each Additional Second Of Load Time (Between 0-5 Seconds).

In the online world, having a website that has a quick load time is super important for businesses to be successful. A recent study showed that if a site takes too long to load (between 0-5 seconds), the number of people who do what the business wants them to do (like buying something or signing…

Lightning Site Speed 4G Mobile Sites and Page Elements

Today, Even Though Most Web Traffic Occurs On 4G Instead Of 3G, The Majority Of Mobile Sites Are Still Slow And Bloated Due To Too Many Page Elements.

The world has seen a significant shift towards 4G for mobile internet in recent years. 4G is a faster and more reliable technology that has made mobile browsing a lot easier and more enjoyable. However, despite the advanced internet technology, some mobile websites still suffer from slow loading times and too many page elements that…

Lightning Site Speed Compressing Images

By Compressing Images And Text, 25% Of Pages Could Save More Than 250KB And 10% Can Save More Than 1MB (Which Contributes To Page Load Times)

In today’s fast-paced world, time is of the essence, especially when it comes to browsing the web. People have come to expect that websites load quickly, and any delay can lead to frustration and even abandonment. As a website owner, it’s crucial to ensure that your pages load as quickly as possible. One way to…