The Highest Ecommerce Conversion Rates Occur On Pages With Load Times Between 0-2 Seconds

Ecommerce Conversion Rates.

Website speed is crucial for ecommerce and online stores to make sales. The faster the website, the more likely people are to buy things. A slow website can be frustrating for customers and can make them leave the ecommerce website without buying anything. This means the ecommerce store could lose a lot of money.

There are a few reasons why website speed is important for conversion rates. If a website is slow, people might leave it quickly, which is called a high bounce rate. This can lead to lost sales and lower conversion rates for ecommerce sites. Also, if a website is slow, it might not show up as high on Google, which means fewer people will find it. Lastly, if a website is slow, people might not like it and might not want to come back.

To make sure an ecommerce website is fast, there are a few things that can be done. Pictures can be made smaller, and the website code can be cleaned up. Also, there are tools that can help speed up the website, like a content delivery network (CDN).

In conclusion, ecommerce stores need to have a fast website and high conversion rates to make sales. If the website is slow, people might not stay on it, lowering the conversion rates and causing the store to lose money. To make sure the ecommerce website is fast with high conversion rates, some changes need to be made, like compressing pictures and cleaning up the website code.

Lightning site speed. Ecommerce Conversion Rates

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