Website Conversion Rates Drop By An Average Of 2.11% With Each Additional Second Of Load Time

When a website takes too long to load, people may leave and go to a different website. This is because people don’t like waiting for websites to load. In fact, each additional second a website takes to load can cause a 2.11% drop in the number of people who decide to buy or sign up for something. This means that if a website takes 5 seconds to load, over 10% of potential customers might leave. If a website takes 10 seconds to load, over 20% of potential customers might leave.

People might leave a website that takes too long to load because they get bored or frustrated waiting. Also, slow websites can be bad for business because they may not show up high on search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that fewer people will see the website and the business might not get as many customers.

To make a website load faster and keep people from leaving, there are some things that can be done. For example, pictures and other things on the website can be made smaller so they don’t take as long to load. Also, combining different parts of the website can help it load faster. Some people might also use a special service to help make the website faster.

It’s important to remember that making a website load faster is important for keeping people interested and getting more customers.

Lightning site speed. Website conversion rates

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