What are Google Performance Scores

Google Performance Scores are like report cards for websites. They help us see how well a website is doing in terms of speed and other important things. Imagine it like a teacher giving grades to a student.

Here’s what’s on this ‘Google Performance Scores’ report card:

  1. Performance Score: This is like an overall grade for the website. A higher number is better. It’s like getting an A on your test. Google looks at different things to give this score.
  2. Core Web Vitals: These are special things that tell us how the website feels to use. It’s like asking students if they like their school. There are three things Google checks: how fast the website shows up, how quickly you can click on things, and if the page moves around when you don’t want it to.
  3. Accessibility: This score checks if the website is easy to use for everyone. It’s like seeing if the school is good for students with disabilities. Google looks at things like making sure the words are easy to read and the pictures make sense.
  4. Best Practices: This is about following the rules. It’s like following the school’s rules. Google checks if the website is doing things the right way, like using good pictures and keeping things safe.
  5. SEO: This score checks if the website shows up when you search for it. It’s like making sure the school is easy to find. Google looks at things like the words on the website and how it talks to search engines.

People use Google Performance Scores to make websites better. It’s like using the report card to know how to do better in school. When websites get good Google Performance Scores, more people visit them and they show up in search results. This helps websites do well and makes people happy. So, just like in school, getting good grades is important for websites too, make sure your Google Performance Scores are high and in the green.

Google PageSpeed Insights

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